E-mail Marketing Automation Platform for hotels is a classic practice followed by many businesses for their internet promotion. It includes sending newsletters to email account lists, for the purposes of promoting a product or service.
Get Started Hotel Email Marketing Platform
– Send Scheduled Newsletter. Write your newsletter and send it directly or choose a future day and time for that process.
Personalize your Newsletter Campaign
- Make your campaign an effective one by personalizing your newsletter. Include your contacts’ info, like names, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, their companies’ name etc.
Email Marketing – Contact filters. Make your campaign even more targeted by adding more filters to your lists. Choose, for example, to send a newsletter to a specific list of your customers, who live in a certain region or have a certain employment or have registered the last quarter of the year.
Minimize the possibility of sending spam Newsletter
Email Marketing – Anti Spam Report
Before sending your newsletter the programme runs an automatic «Anti Spam Report», to ensure that your newsletter will not end up in the spam folder. If the report shows that your e-mail could be characterized as spam, then the newsletter will not be sent and corrective instrucrtions will be given to you.
This report is available during the writing process as well, so that you can run it whenever you deem necessary.
By using the elegant & professional templates of Abouthotelier, which you can modify if you like, you can add your content, photographs etc...without any need for programming or designing skills. If you wish, you can start with an empty template an create your own. Rich Text Editor, the program that we use to compose the newsletter, is, as you will see, easy enough to operate.
Email Marketing is a practice followed by many businesses for their internet promotion. It includes sending newsletter to e-mail address lists for the purpose of promoting a product or service. It is a direct and effective strategy of advertising a business, that, although it demands careful planning and research to bring the desired results, it has a low cost.
Increased revenue. It offers you the potential to advertise a specific product to a targeted and large audience. At the same time, it provides statistical data. It allows you to experiment. It shows you the impact it has on your campaign. You can collect statistical data from your audience. It offers you immediate profits. You can send a newsletter with your special offers to thousands of people with just one click!
E-mail Marketing is based on the ease and speed with which you can send an e-mail. It offers the potential of targeted advertisement to thousands of people. At the same time, it offers statistical data that allows the company to check the response of recipients to delivered e-mails. In this way, the company collects information regarding the number of recipients who opened their e-mail or followed some link through your e-mails, the recipients who don’t wish to recieve e-mails anymore, the e-mails which attracted the most attention from your recipients etc. This information offers you the ability to constantly improve your advertising campaign. Compared to other forms of advertising, Email Marketing can become automated. An advertisisng campaign can be pre-planned weeks or months in advance, scheduling when to send an e-mail in the future based on the needs of the company.
Platform functionality It allows you to connect your clients lists with all the online reservations you have. You can send up to 100.000 e-mails each month completely free. It operates based on automated e-mails which are send in the future. Management tool It allows you to collect information regarding the number of recipients who read your e-mail. It provides statistical data that offers you the ability to check your recipients’ response. You can create as many templates as you need for the right approach of your recipients.
In Abouthotelier.com, apart from the technical specifications, we also ensure the professional display of your e-mails so that they can depict the prestige and credibility of their sender. We make it possible for you to keep in touch with and enlarge your customer lists, increasing your prominence as well as your sales and methodically create a leading company. In addition to the direct sale of your products, Email Marketing offers an additional advertisement of your company, gradually building your brand. It can be used as a means of providing information to specific groups of people, such as the members of your company’s webpage, and also as a simple practice of helping your customers remember your company’s name.
Learn more about increasing your hotel’s revenue
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