Price check widget - Conversion....Face to Face - AboutHotelier

Increase Direct bookings with real-time pricing. price check widget, provides real-time price comparison on your website through our seamlessly connectivity with OTAs.

As users search your site, our intelligent widget shows live prices OTAs & official booking engine for the same property and dates from your selected OTA partners.

Our advanced analytics provide rate parity reporting and real-time alerts for every search that happens on your website.

Integrate beautifully into any page
About hotelier price check widget, conversion booster can integrate beautifully into any page in your booking path—from city search pages to property rates and availability pages—we have a style that fits and delivers instant results.


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We have high standards which prove that our approach is based on quality, robust error management, guarantees and open communication. These characteristics allow us to work focusing on quality, based on the interest of our clients. 

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